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Tully Hansen
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"#futurebookshop (a work in progress)" by @tullyhansen Use no scoring. When play begins: say "The sky above the square is the color of television, tuned to a dead channel. So is the architecture.[paragraph break][italic type][bracket]6 June 2012: Functional space to explore, but little else to interact with.[close bracket][roman type][line break]"; move the iPhone to the player; now left hand status line is "The future is…"; now right hand status line is "unwritten.". The Atrium is a room with the printed name "Fed Square (atrium)". "You're standing just inside of the isoscelean nightmare that is Federation Square. To the east, a glass door stands closed. However, a cheery sign suction-cupped to the inside assures you, [italic type]Yes, we are OPEN![roman type]" The glass door is east of the Atrium and west of the Foyer. It is an unlocked door and scenery. "The words [italic type]NGV Studio[roman type] are stencilled across the glass at a jaunty angle." The Foyer is a room with the printed name "NGV Studio (foyer)". "In here it's light and airy in spite of the winter gloom. Off to one side a thick plywood column soars five metres to the ceiling. A glass door leads east out to Fed Square, flanked on one side by a security post (currently unattended) and on the other by two armchairs huddled around a half-stocked bookcase. To the west is the entrance to Kids Corner and a pair of automatic doors; to the south is the exhibition proper, which appears to be comprised largely of lamps and paper.[paragraph break]And more plywood." East of the Foyer is the Entrance to Kids Corner. The Entrance to Kids Corner is a room with the printed name "Kids Corner (entrance)". "Catering to the gallery's younger attendees, Kids Corner is where frazzled parents can take frantic children for some hands-on culture. According to signage, the current exhibit is called [italic type]Time Catcher,[roman type] whatever that means. The doorway is to the south, a rectangular tunnel ringed with rainbow stripes. To the north, a set of automatic doors lead outside." The automatic door is north of the Entrance to Kids Corner. It is a locked door and scenery. "The automatic doors are anything but, remaining firmly shut despite your wild gesticulating." South of the Foyer is the QR Code Wall. The QR Code Wall is a room with the printed name "NGV Studio (northern end)". "One wall is almost entirely plastered with fluoro photocopies of QR codes, save for a single horizontal strip of black at waist height, into which are set some twenty USB memory sticks. Up against the facing wall a display cabinet draped in cloth forms a makeshift table for several lamps. In the centre of the hall two trestles have been pushed together to form a large working area, around which are arrayed some half-dozen chairs and a beanbag." South of the QR Code Wall is the Main Hall. The Main Hall is a room with the printed name "NGV Studio". "The space narrows here slightly, and a kind of reverse-mezannine juts out over half the space. On the smaller wall beneath it, more papers are stuck to the plywood wall. Opposite, a metal gantry hung with spotlights stands astride another lamp-bearing display cabinet. The exhibition continues to the north and south. Set about a square column supporting the mezzanine-thing are a two pairs of headphones and a typewriter atop a plinth." South of the Main Hall is the Voiceworks Wall. The Voiceworks Wall is a room with the printed name "NGV Studio (southern end)". "You are at the Studio's southern end, where the space kinks around a corner and turns into a corridor running east. There is yet another display cabinet with the requisite reading lamps against the western wall.The wall to the south appears to have been plastered haphazardly with magazine pages. At the foot of the wall, on a low table, sits a computer, in front of which is a beanbag." The NGV Studio is a region. The Foyer, the QR Code Wall, the Main Hall and the Voiceworks wall are in the NGV Studio. East of the Voiceworks Wall is the Hallway. The Hallway is a room with the printed name "Hallway". "One wall of this corridor bears a flat-screen TV and a large banner which reads [italic type]Future Bookshop[roman type]. On the opposite wall is an even larger banner, this one a Gothic script in baby blue: [italic type]The Signal Express[roman type]. The exhibition proper is west of here, while to the south a corridor runs through to the main foyer of the National Gallery. A sign on one wall discreetly informs you that the toilets lie to the east." East of the Hallway is the Toilets. The Toilets is a room with the printed name "Toilets". "Tucked behind a concrete divider are three doors: wheelchair, F and M.[paragraph break]For ease of implementation, they all appear to be occupied at present." South of the Hallway is the National Gallery. Instead of going south from the Hallway, say "You're having enough trouble getting your head around the future of literature to go messing about with visual arts." The iPhone is an object. The description of the iPhone is "Your trusty personal communicator." South of the Entrance to Kids Corner is the Kids Corner. Instead of going south from the Entrance to Kids Corner, say "As an unaccompanied adult, you think better of entering the Kids Corner by yourself."