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The Creatures of utopia: flying screwdriver
Bruce Herbert
Played 1,435 times
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"The Creatures of utopia: flying screwdriver" by Bruce Herbert Utopia is a room. The flying screwdriver is an animal in Utopia. In Utopia is a box. The box contains a quantity of broken things. The description of the flying screwdriver is " The flying screwdriver lives to fix things. Sometimes, it gets carried away; especially when bored. It has been known to start attaching everything together when it has nothing else to do! It is wearing [a list of things worn by the flying screwdriver]." The player carries a closed openable container called a bag. The bag contains a clock. Instead of taking the broken things, say "Stealing things from the little critter?". kicking is an action applying to one thing. Understand "kick [something]" as kicking. Instead of kicking flying screwdriver, say "Oh no!". Instead of kicking box, say "Oh no!". The flying screwdriver behavior rules is a rulebook producing an object. A flying screwdriver behavior rule when the flying screwdriver can touch the clock: say "The flying screwdriver zips around the clock until it is repaired."; rule succeeds with result clock. A flying screwdriver behavior rule when the flying screwdriver can touch the broken things: say "The flying screwdriver fixes all the miscellaneous broken things in the box."; rule succeeds with result broken things. A flying screwdriver behavior rule: say "The flying screwdriver looks miffed at the lack of ready entertainment, and hovers near you as though wondering whether your head may take flat or phillips head screws. Or, perhaps an allen key or 1/8 inch sockets."; rule fails. Every turn: let the destroyed object be the object produced by the flying screwdriver behavior rules; if the destroyed object is not nothing: remove the destroyed object from play; say "[line break]Good thing you have no use for [the destroyed object] yourself.[paragraph break]". Test me with "z / z / open bag / z / z".