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The Surprise
Kaylee Wilsher
Played 1,434 times
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"Entrance Hall" The entrance hall is a room. "You are inside the entrance hall." The wall is in the entrance hall. "There is a wall to your left. It has a painting and a mirror on it." The mirror is part of the wall. The painting is part of the wall. The painting can be looked at. The mirror can be looked at. The description of the painting is "It's a portrait of a pale, blonde woman who looks to be in her twenties. She holds a silver mirror and a little boy with the same fair hair sits at her feet playing with a white kitten." The description of the mirror is "You see yourself in the mirror and realize your appearance is pretty rough. You see a red door behind you." The desk is in the entrance hall. The desk is fixed in place. The drawer is part of the desk. The drawer is a closed openable container. In the drawer is a red streamer and an old key. On the desk is a flower pot. The description of the desk is "The desk is hand-carved mahogany with brass knobs on the drawer. There is a flower pot on the desk." The description of the flower pot is "You pick up the flower pot and sniff the flower. It makes you sneeze." The red door is a closed door. The red door is a closed locked door. The old key unlocks the red door. The red door is east of the entrance hall. The blue door is west of the living room. The blue door is a closed openable door. Living room is north of the red door. "You are inside the living room with the door back to the entrance hall to the North." The endtable is in the living room. The endtable is fixed in place. On the endtable is a note. The description of the note is "don't forget eggs, flour, matches" The description of the blue door is "The door looks like it's unlocked." Kitchen is west of the blue door. "You are in the kitchen with the door back to the living room to the East." The counter is in the kitchen. On the counter is a cupcake, a truffle, and a knife. The cupcake is edible. After eating the cupcake: say "You eat the cupcake. It tastes like rainbows."; award 500 points. The truffle is edible. After eating the truffle: say "You drink the soda. It tastes pretty rad."; award 100 points. The knife is edible. After eating the knife: say "You eat the knife. That was a pretty stupid move."; end the game in death. The black door is east of the kitchen. The black door is an open door. The dining room is east of the black door. "Now you're in the dining room with the black door to the West." The table is in the dining room. On the table is a cake. The cake with candles is edible. After eating the cake: say "The cake says 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY' in frosting. You eat it and it's fantastic."; award 1000 points. Every turn while in the dining room: if score is 1600 begin; say "You have won the game, and it is your birthday! Congratulations!"; end the game in victory; end if.