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Vedran Vidakovic
Played 340 times
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"The Podrum Escape" by "Vedran Vidakovic". Release along with an interpreter. Release along with a website. Release along with the introductory booklet. When play begins: say "Probudili ste se i nalazite se mračnom podrumu s drvenim gredama i podom od blata, Vaš cilj je izaći iz podruma i ne otrovati se putem. Sretno!" ; The Podrum is a room. "Zarobljen si u mračnom podrumu. Imaš nekoliko opcija kako pobjeći. Dnevni boravak nalazi se juzno od tebe." A Kovceg is in the podrum. It is an openable container. It is closed. The description is "Stari drveni kovčeg stoji u desnom čošku podruma." The Hodnik is a room. "U sobi stoji moćan zmaj. Iza njega nalaze se zlatna vrata koja te vode van ove prostorije." The Zeljezna Vrata is a closed, locked, openable door in the Podrum. The Zeljezna Vrata is north from the Podrum and south from the Hodnik. The description of the Zeljezna Vrata is "Željezna vrata koja vode u hodnik." The Drveni Kljuc is in the Kovceg. The Dnevni Boravak is south of the Podrum . "Ušao si u dnevni boravak, prostoriju punu raznih kutija i kovčega." The Drveni Kovceg is in the Dnevni Boravak. It is a closed, locked container. The description is "Veliki kovčeg s oznakom '1'." The Drveni Kljuc unlocks Drveni Kovceg. The Srebrni Kljuc is in the Drveni Kovceg. The Srebrna Vrata is east of the Podrum. It is a closed, locked doors. The description is "Vrata s oznakom '1'." The Srebrni Kljuc unlocks the Srebrna Vrata. The Kuhinja is east of the Srebrna Vrata. The Hladnjak is in the Kuhinja. It is a closed, openable container. The description is "Sivi prljavi hladnjak sa paučinom u čoškovima." The Crvena Jabuka is in the Hladnjak. It is edible. The Zelena Jabuka is in the Hladnjak. It is edible. Instead of eating the Crvena Jabuka: end the story saying "Pojedeš crvenu jabuku i odjednom osjetiš oštar bol u trbuhu. Sve postaje tamno..."; Instead of eating the Zelena Jabuka: say "Pojedeš sočnu zelenu jabuku. Osjećaš se sito."; The Veliki Crveni Gumb is a device in the Kuhinja. "[if the Kuhinja is unvisited]Ovdje se nalazi Veliki Crveni Gumb. Pritisni ga da otvoriš željezna vrata. Probaj to odmah.[end if][if the Kuhinja is visited]Ovdje je gumb. Da bi otvorio željezna vrata, pritisni gumb.[end if]" The Veliki Crveni Gumb is switched off. The Veliki Crveni Gumb is fixed in place. The description of the Veliki Crveni Gumb is "Veliki crveni gumb koji se može pritisnuti." Instead of pushing the Veliki Crveni Gumb: try switching on the Veliki Crveni Gumb. Carry out switching on the Veliki Crveni Gumb: now the Zeljezna Vrata is open; say "Pritisnuo si gumb i željezna vrata su se otvorila."; The Zmaj is a man in the Hodnik. "Moćan zmaj stoji ovdje i strpljivo čeka." The Zlatna Vrata is a closed, openable door in the Hodnik. The Zlatna Vrata is north from the Hodnik. The description of the Zlatna Vrata is "Zlatna vrata koja vode van ove nocne more." Instead of giving the Crvena Jabuka to the Zmaj when the location of the player is the Hodnik: now the Zmaj is carrying the Crvena Jabuka; say "Nahraniš zmaja crvenom jabukom. On se sa zadovoljstvom igra s jabukom i ne obraca pažnju na tebe."; Instead of showing the Crvena Jabuka to the Zmaj when the location of the player is the Hodnik: now the Zmaj is carrying the Crvena Jabuka; say "Nahraniš zmaja crvenom jabukom. On se sa zadovoljstvom igra s jabukom i ne obraca pažnju na tebe."; Every turn when the player is in the Hodnik and the Zlatna Vrata are open and the Zmaj is not carrying the Crvena Jabuka: end the story saying "Zmaj je gladan i napada te. Nažalost, umireš i igra završava."; Instead of going through Zlatna Vrata when the location of the player is the Hodnik and the Zlatna Vrata are open: end the story saying "Prošao si kroz zlatna vrata. Čestitamo, uspješno si završio igru!";