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"Tree House" The floor is south of the ladder . "[if the floor is unvisited] Welcome! You are outside in the middle of some small town and you hear chatter. It's a beautiful day outside, delicate blue skies are touched with clouds the colors of the flowers on the trees. Looking over to the nearest object, you find a tree holding a tree house with a ladder, North (N) of you, leading down. Is that where the chatter is coming from?[end if]". The tree house is a room. The tree house is north of the ladder. The DS is in the ladder. The ladder is a room. The description of the DS is "little Nintendo rectangles." After taking the DS: say "Why would someone leave a DS unattended...on the rung of a ladder? Maybe it belongs to whoever's making all the noise! -You say to yourself-." "[if tree house is visited] You peek your head up into the wide opening of cool shade with spots of sunlight. *SHREEK* 'Who the FRICK', you hear, high pitched-ly yelled. Looking forwards you see two people, your friends! No, not the ones you see everyday. In fact, you're oddly puzzled by the look of them. You've only seen pictures of them. Is this how they look, moving, animated, and out of still? It's your internet friends. You climb inside.[end if]". A beanbag is in the tree house. Friend 1 is in the treehouse. Friend 2 is in the treehouse.