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Paul Cabellan
Played 2,119 times
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"Audioguide" by Paul Cabellan. [créer 3 rooms] Chambre0 is a room. Chambre1 is a room. Chambre2 is a room. Poubelle is a room. The printed name of Chambre0 is "Entrée". The printed name of Chambre1 is "La chambre de la reine". The printed name of Chambre2 is "La chambre du roi". [les reliers] Chambre1 is west of Chambre0. Chambre2 is east of Chambre0. [créer un audioguide] Audioguide is an object. Audioguide is in Chambre0. [use audioguide = description room] Understand the command "use" as "examine". Instead of examining audioguide: if the player carries audioguide: say "C'est la pièce une"; otherwise: say "Vous n'avez pas l'audioguide en main"; [éteindre au bout de 9 tours] Autonomie is a scene. Autonomie begins when the player is in Chambre0 for the first time. Autonomie ends when the time since Autonomie began is 9 minutes. When Autonomie ends, now Audioguide is in Poubelle. When Autonomie ends, say "L'audioguide n'a plus de batterie..". [créer table dans chambre1] La table is a supporter. La table is in chambre1. [créer lunette] Lunette is an object. Lunette is on La table. [poser lunette sur la table dans la chambre1] [wear lunette = changer description] [use audioguide = description room différente]