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wisntton fremantle
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The economy class washroom is a room. “As you exit the school through the main door, you stumble into a cramped, airplane washroom and almost crash into the toilet. Thankfully, your pants have remained intact. A buzz from the airplane’s intercom startles you. ‘Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking. Thank you for choosing Sky Jet Horizons for your flight today! We are now cruising along at an altitude of 768,000 feet, and enroute to our destination of Antarctica. ETA is approximately 473 hours. You are welcome to ask any flight attendants for assistance during this flight, so please sit back, relax and enjoy your journey!’ Ahead of you is an airplane cabin.” There is nothing to do in the economy class washroom except examine a toilet paper roll. The economy class cabin is north of the economy class washroom. The toilet paper roll is in the economy class washroom. The economy class cabin is a room. “You are in the economy class cabin. Rows upon rows of uncomfortable looking seats fill up the empty space. Oxygen masks hang down from the ceiling, though there is no one else besides you in the cabin. Suitcases and personal belongings are scattered around the room. Ahead of you is another airplane washroom.” The tape recorder is in the economy class cabin. The description of the tape recorder is “A tape recorder with a cassette tape inside. ‘Jensen Cassette Player - Microphone included!’ Its record button is already pushed down.” After taking the tape recorder: say “Tape recorder acquired.”; The emergency exit door #1 is an open door. The emergency exit door #1 is west of the economy class cabin. The emergency exit door #2 is an open door. The emergency exit door #2 is east of the economy class cabin. The emergency exit door #3 is an open door. The emergency exit door #3 is west of the first class cabin. The emergency exit door #4 is an open door. The emergency exit door #4 is east of the first class cabin. outside southwest is a room. The emergency exit door #1 is east of outside southwest. outside southeast is a room. The emergency exit door #2 is west of outside southeast. outside northwest is a room. The emergency exit door #3 is east of outside northwest. outside northeast is a room. The emergency exit door #4 is west of outside northeast. Every turn while in outside southwest: if score is 1 begin; say “Congratulations for escaping the airplane! :)”; end if. Every turn while in outside southeast: if score is 1 begin; say “Congratulations for escaping the airplane! :)”; end if. Every turn while in outside northwest: if score is 1 begin; say “Congratulations for escaping the airplane! :)”; end if. Every turn while in outside northeast: if score is 1 begin; say “Congratulations for escaping the airplane! :)”; end if. Every turn while in outside southwest: if score is 0 begin; say “You fell to your death because you didn’t have a parachute. :(”; end if. Every turn while in outside southeast: if score is 0 begin; say “You fell to your death because you didn’t have a parachute. :(”; end if. Every turn while in outside northwest: if score is 0 begin; say “You fell to your death because you didn’t have a parachute. :( ”; end if. Every turn while in outside northeast: if score is 0 begin; say “You fell to your death because you didn’t have a parachute. :(”; end if. The first class washroom is north of the economy class cabin. The first class washroom is a room. “You enter the first class washroom and accidentally walk into a man on the toilet reading a newspaper. He looks up at you with a bewildered look. You dash out the washroom and close the door sheepishly behind you. There is another airplane cabin in front of you,” The man in the washroom is a person in the first class washroom. Every turn when the player can see the man in the washroom: Say “You can see the man on the toilet staring at you through the crack in the door.” Instead of asking the man in the washroom about something: say “*silence*”. Instead of telling the man in the washroom about something: say “*silence*”. After giving the man on the toilet the toilet paper roll: say “Wow. Thanks for the toilet paper. Here, you can get out of the plane through the toilet.”; award 5 points The outside first class washroom is a room. The outside first class washroom is south of the first class washroom. Every turn while in outside first class washroom: if score is 5 begin; say “Congratulations you’ve won! You found a secret exit out of the plane!”; end if. The first class cabin is north of the first class washroom. The first class cabin is a room. “You enter the first class cabin. In contrast to the economy class cabin, the first class cabin is pristine and remains undamaged. Its seats are made of expensive leather and have televisions in front of them. Many seats are folded back into beds. You see a man in a pilot uniform sound asleep on one of the beds. In front of you is the airplane cockpit. The co-pilot is a person in the first class cabin. Every turn when the player can see the co-pilot: Say “[one of]The co-pilot’s snores echo through the airplane. Underneath his back, you see a tuft of hair sticking out.[or]The co-pilot murmurs nonsense. It sounds like he is humming some sort of 80s pop music.[or] The co-pilot scratches his nose. You think he is going to wake up, however he rolls over onto his stomach and snores.[at random].” Instead of asking the co-pilot about something: say “*snore*”. Instead of telling the co-pilot about something: say “*snore*”. The airplane cockpit is north of the first class cabin. The airplane cockpit is a room. “You enter the airplane cockpit. In front of you is the captain seated in his chair with a cup of coffee in his left hand and his right hand texting on his phone. His feet are up on the cockpit controls and steering the airplane. There is a hatch in the corner of the room that goes down to the cargo bay.” The plane captain is a person in the airplane cockpit. Every turn when the player can see the plane captain: Say “[one of]The plane captain taps away at his phone, paying no attention to you.[or]The plane captain takes a sip out of his coffee cup. His nose wrinkles and he reaches for a packet of sugar. [or] The plane captain glances up at you for a moment with a disgruntled expression on his face. He adjusts the plane controls for a second before returning back to his phone. [or] You glance at the plane captain’s phone. He is playing Subway Surfers. [at random].” Instead of asking the plane captain about something: say “You want to know how to get off the plane? Well there’s a parachute in this storage container, but it’s locked and I lost the key somewhere. Whoopsie daisies. Try looking around the plane, I’m busy right now.”. The storage container is in the airplane cockpit. The storage container is a closed locked openable container. In the storage container is a parachute. The storage container key is in Michael Jackson’s inventory. The cargo bay is a room. “You drop down the hatch into the cargo bay. There are many large containers and baggage here. You can feel the engine of the plane rumble down here. The room is extremely dark, and as your eyes adjust, you notice a figure standing in the shadows.” Michael Jackson is a person in the cargo bay. The description of Michael Jackson is “A stylish man in a red jacket without any hair. He smiles at you eerily.” Instead of asking Michael Jackson about “storage container key”: say “Hee hee! *does his signature dance* You’re looking for a key to open a storage container? Welllllll, I did find this funny looking key while I was down here, but I’m not so sure if it's the one you’re looking for. Tell you what. If you could get me my wig back, I’ll trade this random key for it. I was practicing my dance moves in the first class cabin when suddenly, I felt a breeze on top of my bald head. A thief must have stolen it to publicly embarrass me, so I ran down here to seek refuge. You better hurry up and get it back for me, or who knows what’ll happen to this key. Hee hee!” The hatch is a door. The hatch is down from the cargo bay. The hatch is up from the airplane cockpit. Michael Jackson’s wig is in the co-pilots inventory. After giving tape recorder to co-pilot: say “*The co-pilot wakes up* Oh my goodness, does this tape recorder have a recording of Michael Jackson? Thank you so much for giving this to me. I consider myself his biggest fan, and I’ll savour this snippet of his beautiful voice forever and ever. Here, you can have this hairpiece that I found. It smells kind of musty.” You take Michael Jackson’s wig. After giving Michael Jackson’s wig to Michael Jackson: say “Hee hee! I knew you could do it. Here’s your key, as promised. I’ll be going now, I have a show in Dallas in 2 hours! *Michael Jackson equips a parachute and skydives off the airplane*.” You take the storage container key. After taking the parachute: say “You took the parachute.”; award 1 point