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Escape the Rooms
Joseph Wong
Played 2,034 times
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[Acknowledgements: Thanks to Mr Jackson Bates for teaching me how to create this and pointing out some errors. Thank you to Dillon, Igor and Joanna for pointing out some bugs and to Josh and Obed for beta-testing this. Any bugs or feedback, please email wongephjo@gmail.com. Thanks] "Escape the Rooms" by Joseph Wong Use no scoring. The describe what's on scenery supporters in room descriptions rule is not listed in any rulebook. Rule for printing room description details of a closed container: stop. Rule for printing room description details of an open container: stop. Rule for printing room description details of a supporter: stop. When play begins: say "You have no idea how you arrived at this place, but all you know is this is a horrid place and you need to get out. Unlock doors by typing- unlock (blue) door with (blue) key. Enter and exit rooms by typing- ENTER (blue) room. Examine items by typing - x (item). Action syntax - (verb)(noun) with (noun) or (verb)(noun) Take items by typing - take (item). Navigate rooms by typing n, e, s, w. " Yourself is a man. A man can be strong or weak. A man is usually weak. A man can be dead or alive. A man is usually alive. The floor is backdrop which is everywhere. The description of the floor is "Cold, hard floor." The North Room is a room. "A simple room. the South door is South. The red door is west. The blue door is east. The Yellow door is north of the North room. There is nothing much interesting in this room apart from a blue chest sitting on a blue table." The wooden table is a fixed in place supporter in the North Room. The description of the wooden table is "A wooden table." The blue chest is a closed openable container on the table. "A closed blue chest." The walls is a backdrop which is everywhere. The description of the walls are "The walls bring colour to the gloomy room." The walls are plural-named. Understand "desk" as wooden table. Understand "table" as wooden table. Understand "north door" as South door. The red door is a locked door. The red door is west of the North Room. The red button unlocks the red door. The description of the red door is "A red door. Red things may lie behind this door." The blue door is a locked door. The blue door is east of the North Room. The blue key unlocks the blue door. The description of the blue door is "A blue door, east of the North Room." The blue key is in the blue chest. The description of the blue key is "A blue key that unlocks the blue door." The South door is an unlocked door. The South door is south of the North Room. The description of the South door is "A South door which is south of the North Room." Instead of going south in the North room: if player carries the flashlight: say "You turn your flashlight on as you enter the South room."; now player is in the South room.; otherwise: say "The south room is pitch black and you can see nothing in the darkness. A flashlight may help you see in the room."; Instead of entering south door in the North room: if player carries the flashlight: say "You turn your flashlight on as you enter the South room."; now player is in the South room.; otherwise: say "The south room is pitch black and you can see nothing in the darkness. A flashlight may help you see in this room."; The South Room is south of the South Door. "A South Room, south of the North Room. There are two big buttons in this room." The red button is a supporter in the South Room. The initial appearance of the button is "A big red button is embed into the wall. The text on it says 'DO NOT PRESS'." The description of the red button is "A big red button that should not be pressed." The black button is a supporter in the South Room. The initial appearance of the black button is "A big black button is embed into the wall. The text on it says ' DO PRESS'." The description of the black button is "A big black button that should be pressed." Instead of pushing black button: say "You push the black button. Suddenly the door slams shut behind you as the all the walls slowly start closing in. You scramble for the door, but it is stuck. The walls crush your body and you die."; end the game saying "You die." The bucket of water is a thing. The bucket of water is in the South room. The bucket of water is a edible. The bucket of water unlocks the fire. Understand "water" as bucket of water. Instead of drinking the bucket of water: try eating the bucket of water. Instead of eating the bucket of water: say "You drink the water. You feel dizzy as you start vomiting all over the floor. You feel better after a few minutes"; remove bucket of water from play. Instead of unlocking the fire with the bucket of water: try extinguishing the fire with the bucket of water. Extinguishing it with is an action applying to two things. Understand "extinguish [something] with [something]" and "put out [something] with [something]" and "remove [something] with [something]" as extinguishing it with. Check extinguishing it with: if the second noun is not carried by the player: say "You're not holding the [second noun]." instead. Killing is an action applying to one thing. Understand "kill [something]" and "hit [something]" and "break [something]" and "break[something]" and "smash[something]" as killing. Swallowing is an action applying to one thing. Understand "swallow [something]" as eating. Instead of pushing red button: say "You push the red button. You don't notice anything special happening... or you don't think so."; now the red door is unlocked. The yellow door is a door. The yellow door is north of the North Room. The Yellow Room is north of the yellow door. The description of the Yellow Room is "The whole room is yellow. It is a pretty plain room." The fire is a fixed in place locked container in the yellow room. Instead of touching fire: say "You reach reach you hand into the fire, your clothing catches fire and you are engulfed in flames."; end the game saying "You die." The green key is a thing. The green key unlocks the green door. Instead of extinguishing the fire with the bucket of water: move the green key to the fire; say "As you extinguish the fire, you find a green key in the flames."; move the green key to the yellow room.; remove fire from play. The red room is west of the red door. "The red room is west of the North Room. A large. Everything is red." Assassin is a man. Assassin is in the red room. The initial appearance of Assassin is "Assassin holds a Valyrian steel sword. It looks like you woke him up." The description of Assassin is "He doesn't look friendly." Understand "the assassin" as Assassin. The blue room is east of the blue door. "The blue room is east of the North Room. A blue room. The whole room is blue. In the blue room there is a table. There is nothing much special in the blue room apart from a yellow chest in the centre of the room." The blue table is a fixed in place supporter in the blue room. The yellow chest is a closed openable container on the blue table. The blue pill is in the yellow chest. The blue pill is edible. The red pill is in the yellow chest. The red pill is edible. The flashlight is in the yellow chest. The flashlight is a thing. The flashlight is edible. The description of the flashlight is "A working flashlight. The flashlight is yellow in colour." Understand "torch" as flashlight. Instead of eating the flashlight: say "You attempt to swallow the flashlight. You choke on it and stop breathing."; end the game saying "You die." Instead of drinking the bucket of water: try eating the bucket of water. Instead of eating blue pill: say "As you swallow the pill, your vision becomes blurred and you have intense stomach pain. You die of food poisoning."; end the game saying "You die." Instead of eating red pill: say "You feel a sudden surge of power. You are now super strong."; now player is strong; remove red pill from play. Instead of killing Assassin: try attacking Assassin. Instead of attacking Assassin: if player is strong: say "Your super strength overpowers Assassin and he is knocked out on your first blow. Assassin falls to the ground. You land a final punch into his chest, killing him."; now Assassin is dead; otherwise: if player is weak: say "You are no match for Assassin. He easily overpowers you. He kills you."; end the game saying "You die." The valyrian steel sword is a thing. Instead of examining Assassin: if Assassin is dead: move valyrian steel sword to the red room.; say "You find his valyrian steel sword in it's sheath."; if Assassin is alive: say "He doesn't look too friendly. Don't get too close to him." Instead of going east in the red room: if Assassin is alive: say "Before you make your first step, Assassin kills you."; end the game saying "You die."; if Assassin is dead: now player is in the North Room.; The green door is a locked door. The green door is west of the red room. The green room is west of the green door. The green key unlocks the green door. Instead of unlocking the green door with the green key: if Assassin is alive: say "Before you make your first step, Assassin kills you."; end the game saying "You die."; if Assassin is dead: say "You step outside into the daylight. The warm sun shines onto your face. You escape the creepy place. You go on to live a happy life."; end the game saying "You win." The green key unlocks the green door. Instead of giving red pill to Assassin: say "You give the red pill to Assassin. He eats the pill. He smiles at you then kills you."; end the game saying "You die." ; Instead of killing yourself: try attacking yourself. Instead of attacking yourself: say "Self harm is never good. But you try anyway. You run head first into the nearest wall."; end the game saying "You die." Instead of killing green door: try attacking green door. Instead of attacking door: say "You smash the door as hard as you can but it still won't break." Instead of eating key: say "It is probably indigestible, but you manage to swallow the key anyway."; remove key from play. Understand "yellow room" as yellow door. Understand "red room" as red room. Understand "blue room" as blue door. Understand "south room" as south door. Understand "him" as Assassin. Instead of eating yourself: say "You bite your arm but you don't like the taste." Instead of attacking table: say "Smashing the table gives you splinters."; Leaving is an action applying to one thing. Understand "enter [something]" and "go [something]" and "break [something]" and "go through[something]" and "leave[something]" as leaving. Instead of leaving red room: try entering red door. Instead of leaving blue room: try entering blue door.