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For Our Class
Joseph Wong
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"For our class" by Joseph Wong [Email me at wongsephjo@gmail.com if you find any bugs or have feedback.] When play begins: now the time of day is 9:30 am; change the right hand status line to "[time of day]"; say "You need to finish writing a >playfic_ before the bell goes at 10:05. You are seated at your desk. Your friend is coming to class but he will be here late. The laptops are in the locked laptop trolley. [bold type] Interact with people by typing: 'ask {person} about {x}' or 'ask {person}for {x}'. Examine items by typing: 'x {item}' " [Actions] Destroying is an action applying to one thing.; Understand "destroy[something]" and "hit[something]" and "kill[something]" and "kick[something]" and "smash[something]" and "bash[something]" as destroying. [Rules] Use no scoring. Rule for printing room description details of a closed container: stop. Rule for printing room description details of an open container: stop. Rule for printing room description details of a supporter: stop. [Book] The book is a thing. Instead of examining book: if player is in the English room: say "Your math book won't help you in this class. Boss sees you reading a math book. He confiscates your book."; remove book from play.; otherwise: say "You study the math book."; [Cookie] The cookie is a thing. The cookie is edible. The description of the cookie is "A chocolate chip cookie." Instead of eating cookie: say "Eating in class is not permitted. Boss spots you gobbling down the bookie. He sends you to the principal's office."; now player is in principal's office. [English Room] The English Room is a room. [Exams] The exams are a thing. Instead of taking exams: if Boss is unhappy: say "Boss has already warned you not to touch anything on his desk. He sends you to the principal's office."; now player is in principal's office.; if Boss is happy: say "Boss warns you no to take anything on his desk. If you do it again, he will send you to the principal's office."; now Boss is unhappy.; [Chairs] The chairs are a supporter in the English room. The chairs are plural-named. Instead of destroying chairs: try attacking chairs. Instead of attacking chairs: say "Chairs go flying around the room. Thankfully you don't injure anyone. Boss is unimpressed with your behaviour and sends you to the principal's office."; now player is in principal's office. [Help] Help is a thing. Boss carries help. Forgiveness is a thing. The principal carries forgiveness. [Boss] Boss is a man. Boss is in the English Room. The description of Boss is "Boss is your teacher who will guide you during the class." Instead of asking Boss for the laptop-key: if laptop-trolley is unlocked: say "Boss tells you the trolley is already open."; if laptop-trolley is locked: say "Boss unlocks the laptop trolley for you. The doors of the trolley still remain closed."; now the laptop-trolley is unlocked. Instead of asking Boss for the laptop: if laptop-trolley is unlocked: say "Boss tells you the trolley is already open."; if laptop-trolley is locked: say "Boss unlocks the laptop trolley for you. The doors of the trolley still remain closed."; now the laptop-trolley is unlocked. Instead of asking Boss for help: say "Boss tells you to apply the 4 B's rule. Brain, Book, Buddy, Boss. Clearly you haven't asked a friend." Instead of asking Boss about "help": say "Boss tells you to apply the 4 B's rule. Brain, Book, Buddy, Boss. Clearly you haven't asked a friend."; Instead of asking Boss about "english": say "Boss tells you that he enjoys English very much.". Instead of asking Boss about "you/self": say "Boss tells you that he is fine. He quite enjoys supervising the class." Instead of asking Boss about "laptop/key/unlock/trolley": try asking Boss for the laptop. Instead of asking Boss about "math/maths": say "Boss tells you that this is the wrong time to discuss maths."; Instead of asking Boss for book: if Boss carries book: say "Boss refuses to give the book back to you until the end of the class. He tells you not to do maths in his class."; otherwise: say "Boss doesn't have the book."; Instead of giving cookie to Boss: say "Boss gratefully eats your cookie and notes to himself to give you an extra 10% for your next assignment."; remove cookie from play.; Instead of destroying boss: try attacking boss. Instead of attacking boss: say "Boss dodges your futile attack. He sends you to the principal's office. Boss is not very happy with your behaviour."; now player is in the principal's office.; Instead of asking boss about "english exams/exams/exam": say "Boss tells you to get on with your work and finish your playfic."; Instead of asking boss about "playfic": say "Boss assures you that you will finish your playfic in time."; Instead of eating boss: say "That is probably not a good idea." Instead of giving your lunchbox to Boss: say "Boss frowns and doesn't seem to want your lunchbox." Instead of asking Boss about "homework/work": say "Boss gladly gives you homework for this weekend."; [Laptop-Trolley] The laptop-trolley is a locked container. The laptop-trolley is in the English Room. Instead of taking laptop-trolley: say "You can't take this."; Instead of destroying laptop-trolley: try attacking laptop-trolley.; Instead of attacking laptop-trolley: say "You smash the laptop trolley into the wall. Boss is unimpressed by your behaviour. He sends you to the principal's office."; move player to principal's office.; [Laptop] The laptop is a device. The laptop is in the laptop-trolley.; Instead of taking a laptop: say "You take a laptop and sit back down. You turn on your laptop. As you are logging in, you encounter the 'there are no logon servers' screen."; now player carries the laptop. Instead of giving laptop to Boss: say "He's currently helping someone else." Instead of destroying laptop: try attacking laptop. Instead of attacking laptop: say "You throw your laptop to the ground. Boss stands at the front of the room, unimpressed by your actions. He sends you straight to the principal's office."; remove laptop from play.; now player is in the principal's office. [Laptop-key] The laptop-key is a thing. The laptop-key unlocks the laptop-trolley. Instead of taking the laptop-key: if Boss is unhappy: say "Boss gives no second warnings and sends you straight to the principal's office."; now player is in principal's office.; otherwise: say "Boss warns you not to touch anything on his desk. Boss picks up the key and unlocks the laptop trolley for you. The doors of the laptop trolley still remain closed."; now the laptop-trolley is unlocked.; now Boss is unhappy.; [You] Instead of sleeping: if player is in the English room: say "You fall asleep in class. Boss sends you to the principal's office."; now player is in the principal's office.; otherwise: say "You don't feel sleepy anymore."; Instead of jumping: if player is in the English room: say "You jump around the classroom like a fool and disrupt the whole class. Boss sends you to the principal's office for disruptive behaviour."; move player to principal's office.; otherwise: say "The principal ignores your silly behaviour."; [Your Lunchbox] Your lunchbox is an open openable, portable container. Instead of examining your lunchbox: say "You find a chocolate cookie inside. You know your friend is a big fan of chocolate cookies."; move the cookie to the lunchbox. [Your friend] Your friend is a man. The description of your friend is "Your friend likes eating food." Instead of asking your friend for help: if player carries laptop: if friend carries whiteboard marker: say "Your friend does so wizardry magic with the laptop and get it to work. He even logs on for you. You open the browser and logon to playfic.com. You eventually finish writing this story."; end the game saying "You win."; otherwise: say "He will trade his help for a white board marker."; otherwise: say "Your friend asks you what you want help with."; Instead of giving cookie to friend: say "Your friend eats the cookie. Boss spots him eating in class. He sends your friend to the principal's office."; move your friend to principal's office.; remove cookie from play.; Instead of giving whiteboard marker to friend: say "Your friend smiles at you as you hand E.C's whiteboard marker to him."; now your friend carries the whiteboard marker. [Teacher's-desk] The teacher's-desk is a supporter in the English room. The description of the teacher's-desk is "The teacher's desk is at the front of the room." Instead of examining the teacher's-desk: say "Upon examining the teacher's desk, you find the laptop trolley key and the VCE English Exams."; move laptop-key to the teacher's-desk.; move exams to the the teacher's-desk.; [Your desk] Your desk is a supporter in the English room. The description of your desk is "Your desk is very boring." Instead of examining your desk: say "You find your book and lunchbox on your desk."; move book to your desk.; move your lunchbox to your desk. [Your seat] Your seat is an enterable vehicle in the English room. The description of your seat is "Your seat is ordinary like any other seat. It functions like a normal seat. You can sit down on it." [Understand] Understand "teacher's desk" as teacher's-desk. Understand "laptop trolley" as laptop-trolley. Understand "trolley" as laptop-trolley. Understand "key" as laptop-key. Understand "laptop key" as laptop-key. Understand "laptop trolley key" as laptop-key. Understand "table" as your desk. Understand "your chair" as your seat. Understand "your seat" as your seat. Understand "your desk" as your desk. Understand "teacher's table" as teacher's-desk. Understand "laptop trolley doors" as laptop-trolley. Understand "laptop trolley doors" as laptop-trolley. Understand "teacher" as Boss. Understand "VCE English Exams" as exams. Understand "exam" as exams. Understand "english exam" as exams. Understand "biscuit" as cookie. Understand "your friend" as your friend. Understand "wall" as walls. Understand "chocolate cookie" as cookie. Understand "laptop key" as laptop-key. Understand "windows" as window. Understand "chairs" as chairs. Understand "marker" as whiteboard marker. Understand "white board marker" as whiteboard marker. Understand "EC's whiteboard marker" as whiteboard marker. [Properties] Yourself is a man. A man can be either happy or unhappy. A man is usually happy. A thing can be powered or unpowered. A thing is usually unpowered. [Principal's office] The principal's office is a room. "This room is so tiny. You can't turn back now. The only way to avoid trouble is to ask for forgiveness." The window is scenery in the English room. The description of the window is "Through the looking glass you can see the outside world." [Principal] The principal is a man in the principal's office. Instead of destroying principal: try attacking principal. Instead of attacking principal: say "You have a very bad attitude. You have been expelled and sent to a detention centre."; end the game saying "This was not a good end for you." Instead of asking principal for forgiveness: say "Your principal has a change of heart and lets you off."; now player is in English Room.; Instead of giving cookie to principal: say "Your principal graciously accepts your cookie and sends you back to class."; now player is in English Room.; remove cookie from play.; Instead of asking principal about "detention": say "The principal says he will give you a detention."; [Shelf] The shelf is a thing. The shelf is a fixed in place supporter in the principal's office.; Instead of examining the shelf: say "You spot E.C's whiteboard marker on the shelf."; move whiteboard marker to the shelf.; [Whiteboard marker] The whiteboard marker is a thing. [Walls] The walls is a backdrop which is everywhere. The walls are plural-named. The ceiling is a backdrop which is everywhere. The floor is a backdrop which is everywhere. At 9:35 am: say "[bold type]Your friend walks into the English Room. He's late for class."; now your friend is in the English room. At 10:05 am: say "You didn't write a playfic in time."; end the game saying "Maybe you'll do better next time."