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Rough Night
Tristen Smith
Played 1,310 times
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Driver Seat is a room. "You wake up in a red vehicle with no memory of the night before. You see a note taped on the windshield." Steering wheel compartment is in Driver Seat. Steering wheel compartment is a closed openable object. Steering wheel compartment is locked. In the steering wheel compartment is a silver key. The screwdriver unlocks the steering wheel compartment. a note is in Driver Seat. description of note is "You thought that you could escape us. Now I have you in a cage of your own making. If you haven't figured it out yet the car doors are Locked and only can only be opened with a special key I have placed in the car, Good Luck. Sincerely, Kidnapper" Driver side door is west of Driver seat. Driver side door is east of Desert. Driver side door is a closed locked door. key to car unlocks driver side door. Passenger Seat is east of Driver Seat. "The passenger seat looks as if it had someone in it. You see a box in it where the person was sitting." Metal Box is in Passenger Seat. Metal box is a closed openable object. In the metal box is a key to car and a flashlight. The metal box is locked. The silver key unlocks the metal box. Glove Box is in Passenger Seat. Glove Box is a closed openable object. In the Glove box is a screwdriver. Glove Box is locked. The Bronze key unlocks the Glove Box. car manual is in passenger seat. description of car manual is "If you have any problems with your starter go to the steering wheel compartment in the drivers seat and open it with the emergency screwdriver to see the wires." Backseat is south of Passenger Seat. Backseat is south of Driver Seat. "You see the seats in pretty bad shape to where you think you can see something in the trunk. There is also some blood covering the floor." a knife is in Backseat. A Tattered Seat is south of Backseat. A Tattered Seat is north of Trunk. A Tattered Seat is a closed locked door. knife unlocks A Tattered Seat. Trunk is a room. Trunk is south of a Tattered Seat. Bronze key is in Trunk. Desert is east of Pathway. Desert is south of sign. "You have escaped the cage set up by your kidnapper, but now there is a new challenge. The car is parked in the middle of a desert and you must now find your way back to civilization. There seems to be a Pathway to the east and sign to the north. The south just leads to endless desert." Sign is north of Desert. description of sign is "You made it finally. Now you have to make it to the ghost town in this desert and seeing as the day is ending you don't have much time till you start getting dehydrated. Good Luck. Sincerely, Kidnapper" Pathway is west of Desert. Pathway is east of Gas station. Pathway is north of Creepy house. "A pathway leading to the unknown with a man sitting alone." Stranger is a person in the Pathway. Every turn when the player can see the Stranger: say "The Stranger lays in the shade with nothing surrounding him but old food wrappers" Attempting to communicate is an action applying to one thing. Understand "talk [something]" or "talk to [something]" or "speak [something]" or "speak to [something]" or "speak with [something]" or "talk with [something]" or "call [something]" or "greet [something]" or "say [something]" or "beg [something]" as attempting to communicate. Gas Station is a room. Gas Station is west of Pathway.