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Robert E
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"The Moo Tester" by Robert Eggleston. Use memory economy. Use no scoring. Chapter 1 - a lot of things The story headline is "A Interactive Magical adventure." The magic testing room is a room. "This is where you test magic spells." Abloning is an action applying to nothing. Understand "ablon" as abloning. The golden case is a closed, openable, enterable container. Instead of abloning: if the golden case is off-stage: say "A golden case appears with a flash of light"; move the golden case to the location; else: say "the golden case is gone."; now the golden case is off-stage.. There is a old note in the golden case. The description is "Zumza, is all it reads.". Zumzaing is an action applying to nothing. Understand "cast zumza" or "zumza" as zumzaing. Instead of zumzaing: say "You feel yourself falling, as if into a vast void, and then"; move the player to a random passage.. A passage is a kind of room. The printed name of a passage is usually "Maze". The description of a passage is usually "This is a maze of twisty little passages, all alike.". P1, p2, p3, p4, and p5 are passages. Instead of going nowhere when the player is in a passage, move the player to a random passage.. Instead of examining the player: say "You are a μ tester. Which means that you test brand new magic spells to make shore they do not kill you. There seems to be something written on your hand.". A hand is part of the player. The description is "People always say that the back of your hand is the thing that you know about the most, but the twisty lines all look the same to you. Equally unknown by you is the word, printed in large red letters, ablon.". Understand "reminder" or "back" or "maze" or "twisty" or "lines" or "note" as the hand. P1 is south of p2. P2 is northeast of p3. P3 is east of p4. P4 is southwest of p5. Center of maze is a room. P5 is west of the center. The description of the center is "You stand in the center of the maze. Polished walls of white marble sore majestically around you reflecting the sunlight that pours through a hole in the stone about 50 feet above. The stone is broken by a single opening to the east.". The description of the golden case is "Oh yes, this is a magical device, called a protlele, that is used to move yourself from one place to another. It's about your sighs.". To map hand: say "If this were a map, you would be turning [if the player is in p1]north then southwest then west then northeast then east[otherwise if the player is in p2]southwest then west then northeast then east[otherwise if the player is in p3]west then northeast then east[otherwise if the player is in p4]northeast then east[otherwise if the player is in p5]east[end if] at which point you reach the end of the line.". Instead of touching the hand: if the player is not in a passage: say "You trace the twisting lines, but soon get lost."; else: say "You trace the twisting lines.[paragraph break]"; map hand. The center is west of p5. The wall is scenery in the center. The description is "The walls are formed from the highest quality of marble. They seem to be completely smooth...[paragraph break] But wait! When you look closely, there appears to be one tiny blemish in the perfect stone.". Understand "Walls" or "polished" or "smooth" or "marble" or "white" or "almost perfect" as the wall. A blemish is part of the wall. The description is "After closer examination, you realize that this is a carving, but it is so small that you can not tell what it means.". Instead of touching the blemish: say "You run your fingers over the carving, and read, Ukiyz.". The golden case has a room called home. Instead of touching the case: say "You run your fingers across the surface of the golden case, and detect two small buttons arranged in a row.". The left button and the right button are devices that are parts of the golden case. Instead of pushing the left button: say "A hollow voice booms Destination selected."; now the home of the case is the location. To teleport back: move the golden case to the home of the case. Instead of pushing the right button: teleport back; if the player is not in the case: say "The golden case disappears in a flash of golden light."; else if the case is closed: say "Something might have happened but you can't say what."; else : say "Lights dance above the golden case for a few moments, and then clear to reveal.[paragraph break]"; try looking. Unset is a room. The home of the case is usually unset. Instead of pushing the right button when the home of the case is unset: say "A hollo voice booms, [one of]no[or]t will not work[or]destination is unset[or]impossible[or]absolutely not![at random].". Instead of abloning when the player is in the case: say "You are quickly cut from the fabric of reality."; end the story saying "[nothing].". chapter 2 - flying section 1 - the spell Ukiyzing is an action applying to one thing. Instead of ukiyzing the player: say "The spell back fires, and kills you instantly."; end the story saying "You have died.". Instead of ukiyzing: say "The casting seems some how incomplete.".. Definition: a room is confined if its hight is less than 15. A room has a number called hight. The hight of a passage is usually 5. The hight of a room is usually 10. section 2 - flight on a small scale Instead of ukiyzing something when the location is confined: if the player is not holding the noun: say "[the noun] flys upwards, hits the ceiling, stays there for a few moments, and drops to the ground."; else: say "Your arms are yanked upwards as [the noun] neglects the laws of gravity. You let go of it, and [the noun] rockets upwards until it meets the cold, hard, flat, and unperturbed stretch of stone that is the sealing. [paragraph break] Then, it falls back to the floor."; move the noun to the location. The hight of the center is 50. section 3 - mass A thing has a number called mass. A thing usually has mass 10. Definition: A thing is lite rather than heavy if its mass is less than 20. chapter 3 - the skeleton section 1 - the one The skeleton is an animal. "A tall undead skeleton, who is holding a satchel, stands here.". After going east from p5 for the first time: try looking; say "You suddenly here a mysterious clacking sound from deep in the maze."; move the skeleton to a random passage. The description of the skeleton is "This is a very old skeleton of a long deceased adventurer. The skull smiles back at you.". Instead of throwing something at the skeleton: if the noun is lite: say "The skeleton snatches [the noun] out of the air, and proceeds to sniff it then eat it, then it turns to you, and wastes no time before separating your body and sole for ever."; end the story saying "Oops."; else: say "[the noun] connects with the skeleton's head, which falls off of its shoulders, and with out a head to guide the many functions that every skeleton needs to make sure he stays dead, the skeleton crumbles into a large pile of bones."; now the skeleton is off-stage; move the pile to the location. The pile of bones is a thing. "A pile of bones is lying here.".. P6 is a passage. There is a brick in p6. "For some reason, there is a brick here.". The brick has mass 25. The description of the pile is "This is a moldering pile of bones. A string is poking out from underneath a rib.". The skeleton is holding a sack. The description of the sack is "A long satchel.". instead of touching the sack: say "You stroke the sack, feeling the soft wonderfulness of the long bag.". section 2 - the magnifier A magnify glass is in the sack. The description is "This device will make things look larger.". section 3 - miscellanea The string is part of the pile. Instead of pulling, or taking the string: say "After a few tugs you manage to free a sack from the bone pile."; move the sack to the player; now the string is off-stage. Every turn when the skeleton is in a passage: say "[if the player is in the location of the skeleton]The skeleton leaves the room.[end if]"; move the skeleton to a random passage; say "[if the player is in the location of the skeleton]A undead adventurer strolls in to the room.". chapter 4 - up now section 1 - air There is a container called mid air in the center. Air is fixed in place container. "[if the player is not in mid air]Floating high above, are [list of objects in mid air][end if]". section 2 - mid air rules Instead of taking something in mid air when the player is not in mid air: say "[the noun] is out of your reach.". Instead of entering mid air when the golden case is in mid air and the player is in the case: say "You joyfully lee out of the golden case, and plummet to your death."; end the story saying "You have died.". Instead of ukiyzing something when in the center: if the player is in the noun: say "The golden case rises majestically upwards, with you with it."; move noun to mid air; else: say "[if the player is holding the noun] your arm is yanked upwards, and [end if][the noun]rises upwards and remains suspended in mid air high above."; now the noun is in mid air. A thing has a number called mass.