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York castle by Peter Clayton
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"York Castle 1071" [COMMANDS] Understand the commands "attack" and "punch" and "destroy" and "kill" and "murder" and "hit" and "thump" and "break" and "smash" and "torture" and "wreck" as something new. Attacking it with is an action applying to one visible thing and one carried thing. Understand "attack [someone] with [something preferably held]" as attacking it with. Understand the commands "punch" and "destroy" and "kill" and "murder" and "hit" and "thump" and "break" and "smash" and "torture" and "wreck" as "attack". Carry out attacking it with: try attacking the noun. Playing is an action applying to one thing. understand "play [something]" as playing. Playing with is an action applying to one thing. understand "play with[someone]" as playing with. [ROOMS AND RELATED STUFF] The Hill is a room. "[if Hill is unvisited] You are a noble guest and are staying overnight at the castle, have fun! (If you have not played a playfic game before I suggest playing Cooper McHattons playfic tutorial.) North of you is the castle. It has a large wall surrounding a few buildings, behind this sitting on a motte is a main tower (keep). Behind the castle you can see the city of york with the minster looming over the houses. [end if][if Hill is visited] You are at the top of the hill looking down on the grand structure that is York Castle. [end if]." In the hill is the castle. It is scenery. The description of the castle is "A complex stone structure with extensive water defences. A central tower or keep is at the centre of a series fortifications. Inbetween these like a sandwich are several thatch buildings containing all of the castle's needs." The Barbican is north of Hill." You are at the Barbican. Guards peer down at you suspiciously. North of you is a portcullis and the Draw Bridge and behind you is the hill." The guard is a person in the barbican. The description of the guard is "A guard in plate armour with a big nose." Instead of entering the Draw bridge: move player to the Barbican; say "'Halt! Who goes there?' You introduce yourself and the guard lets you pass." The Draw bridge is north of the Barbican. " A wooden draw bridge lies open heading north to south across the moat, it is part of the foss channeled of and around the castle ." The Middle ward is north of the Draw bridge. "A small grubby stable boy runs up and takes your horse, leaving you stood in the middle ward with the menacing walls towering above you. The gates stand tall above you to the north." In the Middle ward is the walls. It is scenery. The Gate is north of Middle ward. "The two large, wooden gates loom above you, they open at your arrival revealing the castle within (to the north)." The Inner ward is north of the Gate. "[if Inner ward is unvisited]You have entered the inner ward, finally! You lean on the well to catch your breath. North is the Garden, west is the granary, east is the Bake house, south are the Gates and beneath are the stairs to the Dungeon.[end if][if Inner ward is visited]You are in the inner ward, you can smell freshly baked bread from the bakery. Servants are drawing water from the well. North is the Garden, west is the granary, east is the Bake house, south are the Gates and beneath are the stairs to the Dungeon." In the Inner ward is the well. The description of the well is "A stone well." The Granary is west of the Inner ward. "[If Granary is unvisited]You are swamped by a tidal wave of grain. Your head just manages to poke above the sea of grain. Up above you there are rafters, even they are covered in a film of grain. Suddenly your head pokes beneath the surface, you come up gasping for air. East is the inner ward.[end if][if Granary is visited]You are treading immense amounts of grain in the granary, east is the inner ward." The some grain is in the Granary. It is edible. Instead of eating the some grain, say "You spend a couple of minutes chewing before spitting it out." The description of the some grain is "Doesn't look very tasty, maybe if it was bread?" The Rafters are above the Granary. "[If the Rafters is unvisited]You pull yourself to the safety of the rafters, beneath you lies the grain.[end if][If the Rafters is visited]You are perched on the rafters beneath you lies... THE GRAIN!" The Bake House is east of the Inner ward. "You are in the bake house, the smell of freshly baked bread hangs in the air. West is the inner ward." the Baker is a person in the Bake House. The Baker is carrying the bread. The bread is edible. The description of the bread is "Delicious bread." The description of the Baker is "A jolly man wearing an apron." Instead of giving the some grain to the Baker: now the player carries the bread; award 3 points; move the some grain to the granary; [**It would be good to give the grain to the baker but I could not get this working:] [// now the Baker carries the some grain;] say "The baker spends half an hour making your bread, then gives it to you. You thank him and are on your way." The steel door is a locked closed door. The iron key unlocks the steel door. It is scenery. The steel door is west of the stairs. The description of the the steel door is "The door to the dungeon, looks interesting." The stairs are below the Inner ward. "[if the stairs are unvisited]You are stood on the stone step leading to a very locked, very closed steel door. The inner ward is above you.[end if][if the stairs are visited]You are stood on the stairs to the dungeon door, with is west, and above you is the inner ward." The Dungeon is west of the steel door."You are in the cold dark dungeon." The Garden is north of the Inner ward. "You are in a lush vegetable garden vegetables sleep neatly in their evenly spaced beds while a gardener waters them tenderly. North of you is the steps to the keep were the sheriff and his wife live, west is the chapel and east are the servants quarters."In the Garden is the pumpkin. The pumpkin is a container. In the pumpkin is the flesh. The pumpkin is edible. The pumpkin flesh is edible. The description of the pumpkin flesh is "Orange pulp from a pumpkin." In the garden is the carrot. The carrot is edible. The description of the carrot is "lovely orange goodness." Instead of asking gardener for watering can, say "'No! Mine' he pulls it to his body and cradles it." Instead of asking gardener for seeds, say "'No! Mine' he pulls it to his body and cradles it." Instead of attacking the gardener, say "'Na na na na na! You can't catch me.'" Instead of attacking gardener with the pumpkin: If the gardener is nothit: Now the player carries the seeds; Now the player carries the watering can; say "You hit the Gardener full on in the face with the pumpkin . He lands on the floor and drops the seeds and watering can. You take them and are on your way."; Otherwise: Say "You take great enjoyment from this simple act of violence." Instead of attacking gardener with the bread: If the gardener is nothit: Now the player carries the seeds; Now the player carries the watering can; say "You hit the Gardener full on in the face with the bread . He lands on the floor and drops the seeds and watering can. You take them and are on your way."; Otherwise: Say "You take great enjoyment from this simple act of violence." The Poison ivy is in the garden. It is edible. The description of the ivy is "Poisonous ivy." Instead of eating the ivy, say "No! Its poisonous you idiot." Instead of playing the carrot, say "You tap your fingers on the carrot but nothing happens." The Gardener is a person in the garden. He carries the seeds and the watering can. A person can be hit or nothit. A person is usually nothit. The description of the seeds is "Pumpkin seeds." The watering can is a container. In the watering can is the some water. The description of the watering can is "A green watering can (that isn't from this era)." The description of the water is "It's all murky and horrible, you think you can see a dead frog in it." The description of the gardener is " A thin wrinkeled man carrying a watering can and a packet of seeds." instead of taking the water, say "How ever much you try you can't seem to get any." The frog is in the watering can. It is a container. In the frog is the some guts. The description of the some guts is "Urrgh, frog guts!" The description of the frog is "Urrgh yuck a dead frog!" The servants quarters are east of the Garden. "You are in the servants quarters it is squalid and grubby. West is the Garden." Jeeves is a person in the servants quarters. He wears the suit. The description of the suit is "A servants uniform." Instead of showing guts to Jeeves: Now the player carries the suit; Remove Jeeves from play; say "You show Jeeves the frog guts. He stares at you for a moment before collapsing in a heap on the floor. You promptly remove the suit he is wearing and are on your way." Instead of giving guts to Jeeves: Now the player carries the suit; Remove Jeeves from play; say "You give Jeeves the frog guts. He stares at you for a moment before collapsing in a heap on the floor. You promptly remove the suit he is wearing and are on your way." Instead of showing the frog to Jeeves: Now the player carries the suit; Remove Jeeves from play; say "You show Jeeves the frog. He stares at you for a moment before collapsing in a heap on the floor. You promptly remove the suit he is wearing and are on your way." Instead of giving the frog to Jeeves: Now the player carries the suit; Remove Jeeves from play; say "You give Jeeves the frog. He stares at you for a moment before collapsing in a heap on the floor. You promptly remove the suit he is wearing and are on your way." Instead of attacking Jeeves, say "You try to hit him but he [one of] leans down to do his shoe laces[or]leans back in his chair[or] he walks away[or]he stumbles out of reach[at random] and you miss." The chapel is west of the Garden. "You are in the chapel. Doom paintings line the walls. East is the Garden."In the chapel is the pews.The description of the pews is "Rows of pews."The pews are fixed in place.The organ is in the chapel. It is fixed in place. The description of the organ is "A grand oak organ with lead pipes. It must make lots of noise."The Sheriff is a person in the chapel. Understand "William mallet" as the Sheriff. The description of the Sheriff is "William Malet the sheriff of York, he is dressed in fine clothes." Hesilia is a person in the chapel. The description of Hesilia is "Hesilia Crispin de Brionne, wife of William Malet sheriff of York, as always she is by his side."Robbie is a person in the chapel. The description of Robbie is "Robert Malet a teenage boy looking immensely bored." Gilbert is a person in the chapel. The description of Gilbert is "Gilbert Malet aged 5. A young boy with permanently wide eyes." The Vicar is a man in the chapel. Instead of playing the organ: Move the Sheriff to the hall; Move Hesilia to the hall; Move Robbie to the hall; Move Gilbert to the hall; say "You run you hand along the keyboard making a huge racket. Every one runs out apart from the priest who glares at you." The motte steps is north of the Garden. "You are on the steps to the keep beneath you is the collection of human waste and some thing that is not entirely not like water, that is known as the moat. North of you is the keeps court yard and south is the garden." The court yard is north of the motte steps."You are in the court yard. Potted plants mark out the entrance to the hall (north) and the steps south." In the court yard is the potted plants. It is scenery. The Hall is north of the court yard."You are in the banqueting hall a long table runs the length of the room. Above you is the living quarter corridor, beneath is the wine cellar and west is the kitchen." In the hall is a table. The table is a supporter. The description of the table is "A long banquet table." The Corridor is above the Hall. "You are in the Corridor the wooden floor is covered in a red carpet. Your quarters are to the west, the Sheriff and Hesilias room is east, Robbie's room is north and Gilbert's is south." The Kitchen is west of the Hall. "You are in a hot kitchen, big pig carcasses hang from hooks in the ceiling. There is a spit in the center next to a blood covered table. east is the hall." The cook is a person in the kitchen. The description of the cook is "A terrifying woman holding a cleaver in one hand." Instead of entering kitchen: If the player is wearing the suit: move the player to the kitchen; otherwise: say "'What are ya' looking at, BEAT IT!'"; move the player to the hall. The cellar is below the hall. "You are in a dark stone room. There are large racks full of wine bottles. Above is the hall." The bottle is in the cellar. Understand "1811 Chateau d’Yquem"and "Chateau d’Yquem"and "booze" and "wine" and "wine bottle" as the bottle. The description of the wine is "Mmm alcohol." The description of the wine bottle is "1811 Chateau d’Yquem. Not bad." Instead of drinking the bottle: Remove the bottle from play; Say "You swig the bottle until the wine has all gone and smash the bottle on the floor." Instead of taking the wine bottle: if the wine bottle is off-stage: move the wine bottle to the player; move the wine to the wine bottle; say "You help yourself to a new bottle of wine."; otherwise: say "You've already got a bottle." The Wooden door is east of the corridor. It is scenery. It is a locked closed door. The golden key unlocks the wooden door. The Your quarters are west of the corridor. "You are in your quarters. There is nothing spectacular about it but it has a rather nice potted plant. East is the corridor." The potted plant is in the your quarters. The Robbie's room is north of the corridor. "You are in Robbie's room he doesn't like you being here, south is the corridor." Instead of entering Robbie's room, say "No, there's a keep out sign!" The Gilbert's room is south of the corridor. "You are in Gilbert's room. There are toys every where, north is the corridor." Instead of entering Gilbert's room: Move Gilbert to the Gilbert's room; Say "You enter Gilbert's room to find him there playing with his toys. 'Please will you play with me.' he says." [COMMUNAL KNOWLEDGE] Instead of asking someone about "the castle", say "'It was a motte and bailey but it was destroyed in 1068 and rebuilt in 1069 as a stone castle.'" Instead of telling someone about "me", say "'Really!'" Instead of asking someone about "the dungeon", say "'Mm, I've always wondered what was in there. You should check it out.'" Instead of telling someone about "the castle", say "'Really! It was a motte and bailey but it was destroyed in 1068 and rebuilt in 1069 as a stone castle! Wow, didn't know that before.'" Instead of telling someone about "William Malet", say "'Really! He fought with William the conqueror and married Hesilia Crispon de Brionne and had two children Robert and Gilbert and was appointed Sherrif of York. Wow!'" Instead of telling someone about "Malet", say "'Really! He fought with William the conqueror and married Hesilia Crispon de Brionne and had two children Robert and Gilbert and was appointed Sherrif of York. Wow!'" Instead of telling someone about "William", say "'Really! He fought with William the conqueror and married Hesilia Crispon de Brionne and had two children Robert and Gilbert and was appointed Sherrif of York. Wow!'" Instead of telling someone about "The sheriff", say "'Really! He fought with William the conqueror and married Hesilia Crispon de Brionne and had two children Robert and Gilbert and was appointed Sherrif of York. Wow!'" Instead of asking someone about "William Malet", say "'He fought with William the conqueror and married Hesilia Crispon de Brionne and had two children Robert and Gilbert and was appointed Sherrif of York.'" Instead of asking someone about "Malet", say "'He fought with William the conqueror and married Hesilia Crispon de Brionne and had two children Robert and Gilbert and was appointed Sherrif of York.'" Instead of asking someone about "William", say "'He fought with William the conqueror andmarried Hesilia Crispon de Brionne and had two children Robert and Gilbert and was appointed Sherrif of York.'" Instead of asking someone about "The Sherrif", say "'He fought with William the conqueror and married Hesilia Crispon de Brionne and had two children Robert and Gilbert and was appointed Sherrif of York.'" Instead of asking someone about "Robbie", say "' Ahh he's a rebellious one.'" Instead of asking someone about "Robert", say "' Ahh he's a rebellious one.'" Instead of asking someone about "Robert Malet", say "' Ahh he's a rebellious one.'" Instead of asking someone about "Malet's eldest son", say "' Ahh Robbie he's a rebellious one.'" Instead of asking someone about "William Malet's eldest son", say "'Ahh yes Robbie, he is a rebellious one.'" Instead of asking someone about "William's eldest son", say "' Ahh Robbie, yes he is a rebellious one.'" Instead of telling someone about "Hesilia", say "'A great granddaughter of Rollo, first duke of Normandy.'" Instead of telling someone about "Hesilia crispon de brionne", say "'A great granddaughter of Rollo, first duke of Normandy.'" Instead of asking someone about "Hesilia", say "'A great granddaughter of Rollo, first duke of Normandy.'" Instead of asking someone about "Hesilia crispon de brionne", say "'A great granddaughter of Rollo, first duke of Normandy.'" Instead of telling someone about "Robbie", say "' Ahh yes he's a rebellious one.'" Instead of telling someone about "Robert", say "' Ahh yes he's a rebellious one.'" Instead of telling someone about "Robert Malet", say "' Ahh he's a rebellious one.'" Instead of telling someone about "Malet's eldest son", say "' Ahh yes Robbie he's a rebellious one.'" Instead of telling someone about "William Malet's eldest son", say "'Ahh yes Robbie, he is a rebellious one.'" Instead of telling someone about "William's eldest son", say "' Ahh Robbie, yes he is a rebellious one.'" Instead of telling someone about "Hesilia's eldest son", say "' Ahh Robbie, yes he is a rebellious one.'" Instead of asking someone about "Hesilia's eldest son", say "' Ahh Robbie, yes he is a rebellious one.'" Instead of telling someone about "William's sons", say "'Yes Robert and Gilbert.'" Instead of telling someone about "Hesilia's sons", say "'Yes Robert and Gilbert.'" Instead of telling someone about "William Malets's sons", say "'Yes Robert and Gilbert.'" Instead of telling someone about "Hesilia crispon de brionne's sons", say "'Yes Robert and Gilbert.'" Instead of telling someone about "Malets's sons", say "'Yes Robert and Gilbert.'" Instead of telling someone about "William's sons", say "'Yes Robert and Gilbert.'" Instead of telling someone about "Hesilia's sons", say "'Yes Robert and Gilbert.'" Instead of telling someone about "William Malets's sons", say "'Yes Robert and Gilbert.'" Instead of telling someone about "Hesilia crispon de brionne's sons", say "'Yes Robert and Gilbert.'" Instead of telling someone about "Malets's sons", say "'Yes Robert and Gilbert.'" [EVERY TURN CONDITIONS] Every turn: if player is in the Dungeon begin; say "You have found what your looking for."; end the game in victory; end if.